Friday, June 26, 2009

Fast food seller's tax

I am sick of fast food chains such as McDonald, Burger King and KFC advertising on prime time TV about their euro saver menu. Since the economic downturn hit last September I have a very strong believe that it is the fast food chains that should be taxed. I saw a CNN item on cheeseburgers in a can for 6,50 American dollars.

The government is constantly talking about how we owe billions in borrowing and how we all need tighten our belts.

As a person who has lost between 60 to 70 pounds since October 2007 weighing approx 232 pounds at my heaviest. I have found that it has cost a lot more to eat healthy than it does for family to have a fast food meal. I have not attended McDonald since I saw a film Supersize me where a man ate nothing but McDonald's food for thirty days and had to be hospitalised.

I also watched RTE program investigating the growth in obesity but highlighting the fact that there is only one weight management service in a whole of Ireland which I am lucky to attend at present time.

Well the program highlighted the issues they did not really come up with an overall solution and asked people who are loosing their jobs and going on social welfare.

There is a solution promoting healthy eating by making fast food cost as much as a packet of cigarettes and passing the taxis gain from fast food change to subsidize those who want to eat healthy meals.

My point is that I call on the government to do something like I have suggested so that the obesity epidemic does not grow amongst those that lost their jobs and who maybe are finding healthy life hard to keep going.

1 comment:

Fred said...

Too right but I tell you what makes me sick is the fastfood joints promoting childrens charities